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Axway Sentinel

Axway Sentinel provides real-time visibility that allows IT managers to monitor SLAs, ensure regulatory compliance, avoiding losses and penalties.

Sentinel is event-oriented and has the ability to correlate events from apps, systems, and third parties. The Sentinel allows you to easily create intuitive panels that can be displayed as a web page or on a mobile device, providing business managers and IT staff with clear visibility of all data flows – including file transfers, B2B transactions, Web services and APIs on a central console.

With the ability to monitor, correlate and analyze data and occurrences, Axway Decision Insight enables enterprise users to proactively manage operational goals to reduce risk, improve customer experience, reduce costs and meet service level agreements (SLAs). The solution represents the integration between Axway’s data flow governance and Systar’s operational intelligence technology, companies that announced their merger in early 2015.

Main functions:
• Real-time Analytics for Operational Intelligence
• Monitoring of high value financial transactions, Supply chain transactions and logistics, among other situations
• Analytical and predictive analyses to identify error situations, and proactive action for correction
• Reports and Dashboards with Business Visions

Service Monitoring

Monitoração de Serviços
Bussiness-focused Monitoring
Monitoração voltada ao Negócio
Incident Monitoring
Monitoração de Incidentes
Location and Drill Down
Localização e Drill Down
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