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B2Bi & EDI

B2B requirements are like fingerprints – each organization has its own unique combination of challenges and requirements. At the same time, most companies share a common goal of automating and integrating supply chain activities and value – such as order processing, distribution, billing and payments – which involve multiple business partners and customers.

Main functions:

  • Business-to-Business Integration with EDI Transactions.
  • Mediation of business protocols such as SFTP, FTPS, FTP, AS2, AS3, AS4, JMS, HTTP/HTTPS, WebDAV, Odette, PeSIT, among many others.
  • Mediation and transformation of transaction formats such as EDIFACT, X12, Odette, RND, CNAB/Febraban, Swift, XML, Text, among many others.
  • Business orchestration for transaction processing.
  • Monitoring of business activities.
  • Governance and control of business partners.
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