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Transferência Segura De Dados

Most companies depend on automated file transfer (MFT – Managed File Transfer) to support critical business processes such as payments, charges, orders, policies, enrollment, etc. As these organizations move into the digital world, they face challenges with traditional file transfer infrastructures. The new MFT services of the digital era should be flexible and adaptable, taking into account the legacy and able to support new channels and new models of data consumption.

In its core, the new era of digital MFT should accommodate mobile apps and mobile development, API integration, cloud and hybrid infrastructure deployments, embed DevOps as part of the product life cycle and deal with increasing data volumes simultaneously.

Our vision is to establish a transfer platform with the following capabilities:

  • Protect, manage and track file flows between people and applications within your company and beyond your firewall to the user, mobile, and cloud communities.
  • Offer zero downtime with failover for secondary and tertiary servers to maximize file transfer availability.
  • Perform high-volume automated file transfers between systems, websites, business lines and external partners.
  • User-oriented web portals and folder-based file sharing and mobile devices.
  • Easily integrate with existing systems and processes that are part of the integration and maintenance of customers and business partners.
  • Offer reusable templates for provisioning file transfer flows, exposing existing partners and configuration objects as APIs.
  • Provide APIs to allow partner profile information to be maintained throughout the life cycle of the business relationship.
  • Enable “headless” operations while leveraging investments in your existing DevOps tool chain, Workload management systems and corporate scheduler.
  • Use and service level monitors with real-time predictive insights provided through fully configurable and extendable analytics.
  • Allow users in all business lines to manage most of the activities associated with the integration of a new partner and also in the future, allow business partners to participate in many integration tasks through self-service.
  • Easily integrate with the basic authentication services / MFT authorization, protecting files transfer charges in progress and in transit, generating reports, auditing and processing any file, at any time, in any method.
  • Access to a mobile application development environment on different devices, including back-end services for mobile devices.

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